Pérdida de peso médica en Miami, Florida

When you’re trying to lose weight, sometimes it can feel like you’ve hit a wall. Restrictive diets and exhausting workout routines don’t seem to make a difference, leaving you frustrated with your results. If you’re ready to finally achieve your weight loss goals, we have a solution that can break through the plateau by targeting the root causes of obesity: the Skinny Shot.

The Skinny Shot is an innovative approach to weight loss that harnesses the power of GLP-1 and GLP-1/GIP injections, FDA-approved medications proven to help individuals achieve sustainable weight loss. Designed for those who seek a reliable and effective solution, the Skinny Shot is more than just a temporary fix — it’s a step toward a new you and a healthier lifestyle.

¿Qué es el
¿Skinny Shot?

The Skinny Shot es un tratamiento médico para bajar de peso que usa semaglutida, el ingrediente activo de los medicamentos recetados como Ozempic y Wegovy, para ayudarlo a lograr una pérdida de peso segura y efectiva. La semaglutida, que se desarrolló originalmente para ayudar a las personas con diabetes tipo 2 a controlar con éxito sus niveles de azúcar en sangre, es un medicamento aprobado por la FDA que ha demostrado ser extraordinariamente eficaz para controlar el peso a largo plazo, especialmente cuando los métodos tradicionales no han dado resultado.

Es el Skinny Shot
¿adecuado para mí?

Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) shows that 42% of adults (2 in 5) are considered obese, while 30% (1 in 3) are overweight. This is worrying because obesity contributes greatly to weight-related health concerns such as heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure, which are among the leading causes of preventable death in the United States. Excess weight can also negatively impact your self-esteem and quality of life, interfering with things like mood, mobility and normal functioning. 

If you’ve tried unsuccessfully to lose weight with diet and exercise, you’re not alone. A significant number of adults struggle with excess weight or obesity. GLP-1 and GLP-1/GIP medications are valuable tools that can improve your health and help you achieve and maintain meaningful weight loss.

Por lo general, se receta a pacientes que cumplen con los siguientes criterios:

  • Tiene obesidad con un IMC de más de 30
  • Tienes exceso de peso con un IMC superior a 27 y al menos un problema de salud relacionado con el peso, como diabetes tipo 2 o colesterol alto
  • Es prediabético o se le ha diagnosticado diabetes tipo 2
  • Tienen niveles altos de A1C que aumentan el riesgo de diabetes

Es posible que no sea elegible para perder peso con semaglutida si:

  • Tiene antecedentes personales o familiares de problemas de tiroides
  • Ha experimentado pancreatitis mientras estaba usando otros agonistas del GLP-1
  • Actualmente está embarazada o amamantando
  • Tienes un trastorno de la motilidad gastrointestinal como la gastroparesia

Durante una consulta, los proveedores de PURE evaluarán sus necesidades, objetivos y estilo de vida para determinar si el Skinny Shot es adecuado para usted. Su plan de tratamiento incluirá un cronograma de dosificación y los cambios nutricionales o dietéticos recomendados que respalden su éxito.

Cómo empezar con el
Skinny Shot

Reserva una consulta

Comience su viaje de pérdida de peso

Mantén tu progreso

¿Qué tan pronto lo hará?
¿Veo los resultados?

Most patients using GLP-1s and GLP-1/GIPs start to see results within a few weeks of treatment. However, more visible weight loss may become apparent after 12 weeks. This is when you might feel lighter and notice that your clothes are fitting differently. With each passing month, you should experience a steady decrease in your overall body weight. The pace at which patients lose weight can vary, but the best results are achieved by combining the use of medication with healthy lifestyle changes, like a balanced diet and exercise.

GLP-1s are currently one of the most effective weight loss drugs available. While individual results may vary, many patients report losing 1-2 pounds every week. One notable study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that those using GLP-1 medications lost an average of 14.9% of their body weight over a 68-week period, compared to 2.4% for the placebo group. Other studies and clinical trials have consistently found similar results.

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