
Get your post-baby body back
Having a baby is one of the most miraculous things your body can do. But nine months of pregnancy can wreak havoc on your pre-baby figure. If you’ve finished having babies, there’s something that can help get your body back to its pre-baby glory. A mommy makeover is a surgical procedure that focuses on all the areas of your body that were affected by pregnancy. A mommy makeover can restore structure and elasticity to loose and saggy skin and tissue.
What is a
Mommy Makeover?
A mommy makeover is a single procedure that targets the areas of the body that are commonly stretched during pregnancy. The most common areas for surgery are the breasts and nipples, abdomen, and waist. Though each of these procedures can be performed separately; during the mommy makeover, they are done together to reduce cost and recovery time after surgery.
There are many types of surgery that combine to make the mommy makeover. You can elect to do all of the surgeries or just a few of them to fit your specific needs.
Some of the surgical procedures that may be included in a mommy makeover are:
Breast Augmentation
Breast Lift
Nipple Adjustment
Am I a candidate?
If you’ve finished childbearing and want to see the results of a tighter, firmer body like the one you had before pregnancy, then a mommy makeover is for you. After pregnancy and breastfeeding, you may have noticed significant changes to your body that can’t be fixed with diet and exercise.
If any of the following sounds like you, it’s time to think about options to rejuvenation and tighten your body, creating a more youthful appearance.
- Breasts that sag or droop
- Breasts that feel smaller or have no mass
- Nipples that droop down
- Areola that are bigger or wider than you would like
- Extra skin or extra fat on the hips, thighs, or waist
- An abdomen that still looks pregnant even if you’re small everywhere else
- Stretch marks
- If you’ve completed having children
- When you’re unhappy with your body after pregnancy or breastfeeding
- If you can’t get back in your old clothes
What should I expect at my consultation?
Most moms can worry if what they’re feeling is normal or if they should just stick it out with their new body changes. A consultation with your surgeon can help ease your mind and let you understand that wanting a mommy makeover is a great step to taking care of yourself, something moms often forget to do. You’ll learn about the procedures that are available and what you can expect your outcome to be. Your surgeon can answer any questions that you may have and help you work through any issues that can’t be fixed with surgery. Your surgeon will also give you a sneak peek at before and after photos so you’ll get a real-life perspective of what you can expect to gain from a mommy makeover.
You’ll want to bring the following things to your consultation appointment:
- Your driver’s license
- Your complete health history information
- A list of questions and concerns about your procedure
Don’t forget to also make a list of your health history and go over all the details with your surgeon. If you have any questions you want to go over, it’s nice to have a list on hand that helps you remember what to ask before your procedure takes place.
How does it work?
During your Miami Makeover, you will be placed under general anesthesia so you will be completely asleep and not feel any pain. Incisions will be made in the breast fold to insert the breast implant, to reposition breast tissue, and to remove the excess fat. The specific techniques used during your surgery will vary depending on the treatment goals discussed at your consultation.
The surgery takes place in our accredited outpatient surgery center and you will be able to leave on the same day. Please have someone available to drive you home and help care for you during the first 24-48 hours.
The more procedures you undergo during your mommy makeover, the longer recovery will take. But you’ll be glad you chose to do it all at once instead of handling multiple recovery periods. When you wake up from surgery, you’ll notice you’ve been wrapped in compression garments while your incisions heal. You should have a special bra around your breasts and a wrap around your abdomen. You’ll have bruising, pain, and swelling after surgery which will take a few weeks to go down. You’ll want to follow your doctor’s instructions for avoiding sexual activity, exercise, and lifting which should last at least six to eight weeks following your surgery.
After your surgery, you’ll want to monitor for various side effects that can occur after one of the procedures of the mommy makeover:
- Nausea and Vomiting
- The signs of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
- Bleeding or Infection at the incision site
- Fever
- Movement of any implants
- Unusual drainage from any incision sites
- A feeling that something isn’t right
- Excessive pain, redness or swelling
- Pain in other parts of the body
- Incisions that don’t heal completely
- Shortness of breath
You’ll be able to notice some results of your surgery right away but there will be swelling that will last a few weeks to months. Once the swelling goes down, you’ll be very happy with your new body. You’ll see your doctor for follow-up appointments to ensure you’re healing well. You’ll also see your doctor every few years to make sure your implants are still doing great. Make sure to keep all follow-up appointments with your doctor.
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