Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

Enhance your skin tone and texture with an IPL treatment

This noninvasive treatment uses intense pulses of broad-spectrum light to target pigmented and vascular lesions on your skin, creating an even and youthful complexion.

How is IPL different from
Laser Resurfacing?

While both IPL and lasers utilize light energy to rejuvenate the skin and remove imperfections, these treatments use different forms of light and have different effects on the skin.

Laser Resurfacing

Laser treatments use beams of light in a single wavelength and typically remove both the upper skin layer (epidermis) and heat the underlying layer (dermis). The upper layers peel off over several weeks, while the deeper layers of skin begin to produce new collagen and elastin fibers. The result is an improvement in skin tone and texture, with a reduction in discoloration, wrinkles and other irregularities.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

IPL, on the other hand, heats the dermis while leaving the epidermis intact. This is achieved by directing different wavelengths of short pulses of light into pigments found deep within the skin. This is why IPL has no peeling or prolonged downtime compared to lasers.

The Treatment

An IPL photofacial is performed with the patient in a comfortable, reclined position. You will need to wear eye shields during treatment since IPL can damage the retinas. Your provider will first start by cleansing your skin, then apply a cold gel to the treatment area to enhance the device’s energy transmission.

Your provider will then guide the IPL handpiece across your skin. With each pulse of light, you may feel slight stinging or pinching, similar to what a rubber band hitting the skin feels like. Depending on the size of the treatment area, a typical IPL session takes no longer than 20 to 30 minutes to complete.

Because multiple sessions are needed to achieve visible results, your provider will schedule up to six appointments spaced four weeks apart. This is enough time to allow your skin to heal in between treatments.


You will notice an immediate improvement in your skin tone after a single IPL season. With each subsequent session, your results will gradually become more and more noticeable. These include a more even complexion, diminished discoloration, reduced redness and permanent reduction in vascular lesions.

The results of your IPL treatment can last for many years with good skin care. Make sure to use daily sun protection to avoid discoloration from returning, and choose skincare products designed for your particular skin type and concerns. Touch-up treatments every year or two can help you maintain your results for many years to come.

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