Enhance the look of your areolas 

Areola reduction may not be the first thing one thinks about when considering breast enhancement; however, for women and men struggling with the size or shape of their areolas, this unassuming surgical procedure can be just as rewarding. 

Areola reduction is performed to resize and reshape stretched, elongated or overly large areolas. This surgery can help increase your confidence when topless and even allow you to wear bras and bathing suits that you may have previously avoided. And in an area like Miami, that is saying something! 

PURE Plastic Surgery offers areola reduction for those interested in finessing all aspects of their breast appearance. Our specialists are here to help you realize the results you’ve always wanted. We offer a supportive and safe space where you can feel comfortable sharing your insecurities without judgment. 

We can’t wait to meet you.

How is Areola Reduction performed?

Your areola reduction begins with a thorough consultation with one of our care coordinators or experienced plastic surgeons. During this initial meeting, we will thoroughly discuss what you hope for your results and determine how they can realistically be achieved with areola reduction surgery. Since many of our patients combine their areola reduction with other breast procedures, you may be given additional considerations to prepare for your operation. 

Regardless, this is an outpatient surgery performed at our certified and fully equipped surgical facility in Miami, Florida. Areola reduction, alone or combined with another surgery, is typically performed under general anesthesia for your safety and comfort. To begin, your surgeon will make two concentric incisions around the areolas and remove a donut-shaped piece of tissue between them. A new areola form will be created and fixed into place with an internal suture.

If this is performed with another surgery, this will likely be the final step. When done as a standalone procedure, areola reduction takes less than an hour to perform.

What results can I expect from Areola Reduction?

You can see the results of your areola reduction almost immediately. While there will be some scarring, it will be hidden in the pigmented area and can easily be covered with bras and bathing suits. Your results are considered permanent, and most patients are thrilled with the appearance of their smaller and well-shaped areolas following their reduction surgery.

Asked Questions

What Is discussed during my Areola Reduction consultation?

Do I have to combine my Areola Reduction with another breast procedure?

Will Areola Reduction affect the size of my nipples?

Will I lose sensation in my nipples and breasts?

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