Here are four aesthetic procedures that can enhance your plastic surgery results

Aftercare post-plastic surgery is typically filled with rest and excitement for the results. We want all patients to follow their board-certified surgeon’s post-operative instructions to receive optimal results. Once the patient is recovered from their elected surgery, they may want to consider aesthetic procedures that can enhance plastic surgery results and give their body a little extra push. Here are four aesthetic procedures that can enhance your plastic surgery results.
Post tummy tuck, liposuction, face or neck lift, many patients consider Morpheus8 micro-needling with Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections to tighten the skin. Morpheus8 is an advanced micro needling treatment – the first and only full-body subdermal fractional technology – that tightens soft tissue commonly found on the face (jawline and under eyes), neck, chin, legs and abdomen. PRP injections are derived from patients’ blood, which gives a natural youthful look to the skin with minimal risks for downtime, allergic reactions or sensitivity. For those looking for improvements of facial skin, it may also reduce wrinkles and acne scars. The procedure can be done in the clinic under local anesthesia with very little to no down time. We typically suggest three treatments done once a month for 3 months.
After a facelift or mini facelift, Botox can improve genetic adult forehead lines, frown lines and crow's feet. Botox injections work by blocking chemical signals from the nerves causing muscles to contract and relax. It is injected with a fine needle. The procedure is performed in a few minutes and does not require anesthesia. Results can be seen within 72 hours with full results in thirty (30) days.
Cellulite may continue to be an issue after any Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) procedure, thigh lift or liposuction on the lower body. Even after vast fat removal, some cellulite can remain. Avéli™ is a minimally invasive device that treats the dimples associated with cellulite on the buttocks and thighs. It targets septa, which are fibrous bands that tether the skin to the muscle below. Septa are key factors in the formation of dimples present in the cellulite. Anyone can get cellulite although it is mostly found in women in areas of their body that experience less metabolic activity, such as the buttocks, hips and thighs.
Correcting volume loss in the face, lips, eyes and jawline can be done with the use of Juvéderm filler made from hyaluronic acid naturally found in the body. Due to its natural body production, hyaluronic fillers are gel injections that deliver moisture, volume and softness and can be a compliment to face lift, blepharoplasty (eye lift) and rhinoplasty (nose job). There are various Juvéderm options:
JUVÉDERM ® is used around the nose and mouth area to plump and add volume. It can also smooth lines and wrinkles in these areas.
JUVÉDERM VOLUMA® adds volume to the cheeks to improve loss associated with aging.
JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® reduces the appearance of lines found in the lips and adds volume.
JUVÉDERM VOLUX® is used to define a weak jawline.
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