How Long Is The Recovery From A Mommy Makeover?

Having a baby is one of life’s most beautiful and miraculous events. Bringing a new life into the world is just the beginning of the wonderful journey of starting a family and raising children. No matter how beautiful it is, child birth does bring about some not-do-desirable changes. Tummies stretch and don’t contract back to pre-baby proportions, waists disappear, breasts sag, and often moms become dissatisfied with the way their bodies look.
This is where a Mommy Makeover can help. But with all you have to do as the matriarch of your family, do you have time for the recovery process? Let’s take a look at how long the recovery process is.

The mommy makeover is a surgical procedure that focuses on all the areas of the body that are affected by pregnancy. The goal of this procedure is to restore the structure and elasticity to loose, saggy skin, in the areas of the breasts, nipples, abdomen, and waist. These procedures often include breast augmentation, breast lift, nipple adjustment, liposuction, and tummy tuck.
Generally speaking, your recovery time will depend on your body’s recovery rate and the number of procedures you have performed during your mommy makeover. The recovery time will be dictated by your most extensive procedure, usually the tummy tuck, and generally be approximately six weeks.
With a breast augmentation or breast lift, you would be able to return to work within several days, but it would be 6 weeks before you are free to return to lifting or strenuous exercise. Liposuction surgery patients typically can return to work in a few days with no lifting or strenuous exercise allowed for 6 weeks while the body heals. The tummy tuck requires that the patient be off from work for 3-4 weeks with lifting and exercise being restricted for 6 weeks as well. So, if your mommy makeover includes a tummy tuck, you can expect to be out of work and resting at home for 3-4 weeks and can return to a full menu of daily activities after your 6 week check-up with your surgeon.
The best way to find out how long your individual recovery will be is to visit the talented surgical team at Pure Plastics Surgery for a complimentary consultation. They will be able to listen to your goals and concerns, determine a treatment plan customized to your needs, and answer all of your recovery questions.
Dr. Earle, at Pure Plastic Surgery is the choice for your mommy makeover. Miami Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Earle has an impeccable safety record. He performs limited surgeries a day, allowing him to focus on each patient individually and devote his time with them to safety and care. Patient care and surgical safety is never compromised.
Dr. Earle is an Ivy League trained surgeon who focuses on continuing his education so that his techniques are always on the leading edge of current research and techniques.
You can be sure Dr. Earle is the choice for your Miami Mommy Makeover.
The best way to learn more about Mommy Makeover Surgery at Pure Plastic Surgery is by meeting with Dr. Earle or Dr. Vidal. We invite you to schedule a consultation with our team by calling us at (786) 567-9218 or filling out our online form.
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