How to Get Rid of Gynecomastia

If you suffer from gynecomastia, it is easy to feel like you are the only person in the world with this condition. However, it is a lot more common than you may think! Gynecomastia occurs when a man’s breasts swell, resulting in them appearing a lot bigger than normal. If you have extra tissue around your nipple area, resulting in more prominent breasts, it is likely that you have gynecomastia. This is a condition that can impact one or both breasts. The good news, though, is that this is not something you simply need to accept.
Gynecomastia occurs when a man’s breasts appear bigger than normal. There are a number of different reasons why people suffer from this condition. A hormone imbalance is one of the main causes of gynecomastia, with the hormones oestrogen and testosterone being unbalanced, resulting in a male’s breasts growing. Other causes of gynecomastia include older age, puberty, obesity, infection or lumps in the testicles, Klinefelter syndrome, a health condition, drinking too much alcohol, illegal drugs, and as a side effect of certain medications.

You will be pleased to know that this condition can be treated. Gynecomastia surgery, which is also known as male breast reduction, can be used to treat gynecomastia by reducing the size of the breast, as well as enhancing and flattening the contours of the chest. In severe cases of the condition, the weight of the extra breast tissue may result in the areola being stretched and the breasts sagging. In such conditions, the size and the position of the areola can be improved surgically and excess skin can be taken away.
There are many benefits that are associated with male breast reduction. This includes the following:
- Increase your quality of life and experience a boost in your self-confidence
- Benefit from better fitting clothes
- Relief from rashes, skin irritation, and chafing
- A more masculine-looking chest
A lot of people feel self-conscious when they are suffering from gynecomastia. They feel like everyone can see their extra tissue around their breasts and it can start to impact other areas of their life, such as their professional and social life. As a consequence, it is not an exaggeration to say that gynecomastia surgery can truly be life-changing.
A good candidate for gynecomastia surgery includes the following:
- Men whose breast development has stabilized
- Patients who have realistic expectations
- Men who have a relatively normal weight and are physically healthy
- Non-drug users and non-smokers
- Healthy people who do not have any medical conditions that can impair hearing or life-threatening illness
- Men whose condition will not be corrected through alternative medical treatments
During your consultation with Pure Plastic Surgery, we will discuss your expectations to ensure they are realistic.
The best way to learn more about your options with gynecomastia is by meeting with Dr. Earle in Miami. We invite you to schedule a consultation with our team by calling us at (786) 567-9218 or filling out our online form.
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