Three Things to do Before Booking an Aftercare Facility in Miami, FL

When you are planning your plastic surgery journey, aftercare is a very important part of the experience. You will need a relaxing and safe environment to recover, and if recuperating at home is not an option, you may want to consider an aftercare facility or recovery house. If you do, here are three things you should check before booking a facility.
Check with the State Department of Health and Google
You want to make sure the facility is licensed by the state and up to code. There have been many news reports of arrests occurring at illegal recovery houses that left the patients stranded and unable to care for themselves. Go to the Department of health website in the state where the facility is located and check to see if it is licensed and therefore operating legally. Some states only allow a certain number of days for short-term care so make sure the recovery center is compliant. Do a Google search of the facility name and address, the owner and any associated employees to see if there are any citations, incidents or arrests.
Ask lots of questions
When you are vetting the facility and all the employees, you want to compile a list of questions so you can understand how they screen employees, how emergencies are handled and whether they have had any incidents resulting in death. Other questions should include finding out how many patients can be at the facility at once, whether you will have your own room where you and your valuables are safe, the kind of food being served, how your items will be cleaned and if they provide transportation to your follow-up appointments. You also want to get conformation that a licensed caretaker or nurse will be on-site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and find out how many patients will be under each nurse’s care.
Consult with others who have had positive experiences at aftercare facilities
Surgery Facebook groups from third parties or administered by your surgeon can be helpful resources for recommendations and honest reviews of the aftercare experiences. While everyone’s experience is unique, a referral can go a long way to finding a place that will help you recover successfully after surgery.
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