Frequently Asked Questions
About Plastic Surgery

Breast FAQ

What happens if I become pregnant after a Breast Surgery?

Can I breastfeed after a Breast Lift with Augmentation?

Are there risks associated with Breast Surgery?

What's the difference between Areola Reduction and Nipple Reduction?

Will Nipple Reduction affect nipple sensation?

What is the difference between a Breast Lift and Augmentation?

Can a Breast Augmentation improve breast asymmetry?

How long will it be before my Breast Implants drop to their final position?

When can I go back o work after Breast Augmentation?

When can I have sex after Breast Augmentation?

When can I begin jogging after Breast Implants?

How often should Breast Implants be Exchanged?

Is Breast Implant Removal complicated?

What is the recovery time for Breast Reduction Surgery?

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