Where On Your Body Can You Get Liposuction?

Liposuction, or “lipo” as it is commonly called, can safely and effectively eliminate fat from many different areas of your body. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, diet and exercise can help with toning and firming, but they may not help with certain pockets of stubborn fat that accumulate in the midsection, hips, and thighs. We offer liposuction for men and women looking to eliminate stubborn fat at our Miami practice.
If you're considering liposuction to firm and contour your body, you likely have many questions about the procedure. Usually, the most common question is a variation of "Where on the body can you get liposuction?"
Typical Liposuction Areas
A soft or bulgy midsection is a common concern for both men and women. Fat cells often collect below the bellybutton, creating the unsightly “belly pouch” or “muffin top.” Liposuction can work great on your belly pouch, muffin top, or the whole midsection---as long as the skin in that area still has good elasticity. However, if there is a large amount of stubborn fat on your abdomen, you may get better results from a tummy tuck.
Liposuction can get rid of the excess fat that tends to gather in the hip area, also affectionately called “love handles.” Both men and women are prone to love handles, and these areas are difficult to correct through diet and exercise. Liposuction effectively eliminates love handles, creating that coveted defined waistline.
Upper Arms
Fat often accumulates in the upper arm area due to aging and genetics, causing flabby and soft upper arms that make you feel self-conscious when wearing a sleeveless shirt or tank top. An advantage of liposuction is that it can target these fatty areas on the upper arms that can’t be easily toned by lifting weights or exercising.
While there is a great demand for liposuction of the rear end, it must be performed carefully as the buttocks may end up looking deflated or flat. However, for the right candidate, liposuction is a great option to sculpt the buttocks.
Conversely, adding fat to the buttocks to create a round, full butt is also very popular. We first harvest fat from an area of excess (such as the hips, lower abdomen, or thighs) and carefully inject it into the buttocks. This butt augmentation procedure, called a Brazilian butt lift, offers optimal toning and sculpting.
Inner Thighs
Liposuction is commonly used to achieve a “thigh gap” by reducing or eliminating fat on the inner thighs. A thigh gap is not necessary for a shapely silhouette, but if you want thinner thighs, liposuction is a great way to achieve your goal. It’s also important to note that it’s usually difficult to target inner thigh fat deposits through diet and exercise.
Liposuction is not a magic bullet for reducing or eliminating fat, but it’s a great option for targeting stubborn fat in specific areas of the body. Our plastic surgeons will work closely with you to make sure you are getting the best toning and sculpting results with liposuction. Check out some of our patients' excellent results in this before and after gallery.
To learn more about liposuction, request a consultation or call us at (786) 567-9218 to schedule an appointment.
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