One-Day Mommy Makeover Procedures You’ll Love

Are you looking for a quick way to treat yourself, but don’t want to undergo a big surgical procedure? If so, we’ve got you covered! At Pure MediSpa, we are offer one-day procedure, such as FaceTite, BodyTite, AccuTite, Morpheus8 Microneedling and BOTOX® Cosmeticinjections for quick Mommy Makeovers with lasting results.
FaceTite, BodyTite and AccuTite
FaceTite, BodyTite and AccuTite offer minimally invasive skin tightening and contouring for the face and body using a combination of liposuction and radiofrequency therapy. These procedures do not have lengthy recovery times and can be performed in an hour using twilight type anesthesia. Early results can be seen in two (2) weeks after the procedures, but final results, including skin contraction will often take six months after treatment concludes.
Procedures can treat:
- Mild sagging skin
- Stubborn pockets of fat
- Mild gynecomastia (male breasts)
Click here to find out more about FaceTite, Bodytite and AccuTite at Pure.
Morpheus8 Microneedling
Morpheus8 is an advanced microneedling treatment – the first and only full-body subdermal fractional technology that tightens soft tissue commonly found on the face (jawline and under eyes), neck, chin, legs and abdomen. It may also reduce wrinkles and acne scars. It can be done in the clinic under local anesthesia with very little to no down time.
Each area takes about 20 minutes. Appointments may take up to 1-2 hours depending on number of target areas.
Click here to find out more about Morpheus8 technology at Pure.
BOTOX® Cosmetic
The first and only FDA-approved treatment to temporarily improve adult forehead lines, frown lines and crow’s feet. Botox is injected with a fine needle. The procedure is performed in a few minutes and does not require anesthesia. Results can be seen within 48-72 hours with full results in thirty (30) days.
Click here to find out more about BOTOX®
Cosmetic at Pure.
Contact us today to schedule your quick Mommy Makeover procedure.
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