Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) Or Buttock Lift: Which Procedure Should You Choose?

If you are looking for a great-looking butt, sleeker overall shape, and confidence in your step, a Brazilian butt lift (BBL) in Miami might be the answer to your prayers. The Brazilian butt lift has been a buzzword in the cosmetic industry in the last few years and only keeps gaining momentum. This procedure differs from the traditional buttock lift in that it adds fullness to the buttocks using your own fat—an effective way to improve your rear end. A conventional buttock lift removes excess saggy skin and lifts your buttocks for a more toned look, while a Brazilian butt lift adds volume and makes your butt cheeks more symmetrical.
What You Need To Know About the Procedures
How Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Work?
A Brazilian butt lift can give you larger, rounder, and more symmetrical buttocks. To achieve this effect, the plastic surgeon uses a process called fat grafting, where fat is liposuctioned from your abdomen or thigh area, purified, and transferred to the tissue in your buttocks. Once the procedure is complete, it may take a few months to see optimal results in your buttocks area, but they can last up to several years.
To learn more about the results and recovery from a Brazilian butt lift, check out this related blog.
How To Choose Between a Brazilian Butt Lift or Traditional Buttock Lift
A buttock lift is for anyone who wants to lift a rear end that is sagging due to previous pregnancies, weight loss, genetics, or age. During a buttock lift procedure, the plastic surgeon makes an incision at the top of the buttocks, removes excess skin, and pulls the remaining skin up to the incision line to create a tight, lifted butt. However, since there is no fat transfer, the only way to achieve larger or rounder buttocks during a conventional butt lift is to add a buttock augmentation procedure with an implant.
According to RealSelf, the Brazilian butt lift is a popular option for women in search of firmer, rounder, and more voluminous buttocks.
If you are looking for more options for larger and perkier buttocks, you can explore liposuction and fat grafting offered at Pure Plastic Surgery.
Is the Brazilian Butt Lift Safe?
As with any surgical procedure, the candidate should be at a healthy weight and in overall good health. With BBL’s history of safety concerns, it’s especially important to seek out an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon and thoroughly discuss the procedure steps, recovery, downtime, and expected results. After the procedure, you will experience bruising, pain, and swelling, and you will need to refrain from sitting directly on your buttocks for 6 weeks.
A Brazilian butt lift is perfect for you if you want to reclaim your body confidence or just look great in high-waisted jeans. To see the amazing results you can achieve at Pure Plastic Surgery, check out our before and after gallery. If you want to learn more about getting a Brazilian butt lift, please request a consultation or call us at [phone] to schedule an appointment.
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