If you are interested in breast augmentation, you should know that the procedure is not just about getting larger breasts; it’s about creating a beautiful silhouette. If your breasts have lost volume due to pregnancy or weight loss, or if you are generally unhappy with your breast size, a breast augmentation can help.
Our team at Pure Plastic Surgery understands you may have many questions about the recovery process and what to expect after your breast augmentation. In this blog post, we provide a breast augmentation recovery timeline and answer some of your top recovery questions.
What Can I Expect During Week 1?
The first week after your breast augmentation, you will have some swelling and discomfort around your incisions. Your plastic surgeon will advise you on how to minimize swelling, such as applying ice to the area. You can read more about what you can and cannot do immediately after surgery in our postoperative instructions.
You might think total bed rest is needed during the first week, but the best course of action is to move around the house as much as possible. Use gentle movement so that blood can flow to the incision site and promote healing.
You can return to work 5 to 7 days after the procedure if your body is healing reasonably. This article from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons offers more insight into what to expect after your procedure.
What Can I Expect During Weeks 2 to 4?
During this time, you will probably be back at work and experiencing only mild tenderness or itching. You should see much less bruising and swelling during weeks 2 to 3. If you do notice sudden swelling or redness, make sure to reach out to your plastic surgeon.
Weeks 3 and 4 are a good time to start more light activities such as walking and biking. You can also begin an exercise routine that doesn’t impact the chest area or bounce your body around, as long as your surgeon has cleared you for activity. Lower body exercises such as lunges, leg presses, and squats are great during this recovery period. You may not lift anything heavier than 10 pounds for 6 weeks after surgery.
What Can I Expect Around Week 6?
After Week 6, your incisions should be healing nicely, and you are getting closer to total recovery. You may have occasional muscle pain or tightness, but you are on your way to enjoying those new breasts. When evaluating your breasts, you might notice that the nipples and breasts are not totally symmetrical. That’s common, and they should improve a bit more each day.
Even though your incisions might be healed, it’s a good idea to sleep on your side rather than on your stomach for a bit longer. For more on how to sleep after breast augmentation, check out this related blog.
What Can I Expect After 12 Weeks?
You are at the point where you should be completely healed from the procedure or close to it. Your breasts should begin to “drop and fluff” at this point and look symmetrical with improved nipple placement. For an idea of the type of final results you might expect, take a look at some of our patients’ before and after photos.
You can resume high-impact exercise and running after 12 weeks and after consulting your plastic surgeon. Additionally, you might be able to resume wearing underwire bras around this time.
Here are more common questions you may have about what to expect during breast augmentation recovery.
How Soon Can I Wear a Swimsuit After Breast Augmentation?
You should be ready for a bikini and swimming after 6 weeks post-op, but you must continue to protect your incisions from direct sunlight. After about 8 weeks, direct sun exposure to your incisions is allowed as long as you apply a sunscreen of at least SPF 50 every hour.
If you have a beach vacation planned after your breast augmentation, plan your procedure with these limits in mind.
When Can I Get on a Plane After Breast Augmentation?
You should be able to fly about 1 week after your breast augmentation. Since there is not a lot of physical movement during a flight, air travel should be relatively safe after your procedure. You should avoid lifting luggage or anything else that might strain your incisions when you travel.
Make sure to carefully follow your plastic surgeon’s instructions and keep medications easily accessible when you decide to travel.
How Soon Can I Start Lifting After Breast Augmentation?
If you are a dedicated lifter, you should be ready to hit the weights after 6 to 8 weeks, but talk with your surgeon about weight limits. When you are lifting, make sure to wear a supportive sports bra and be on alert for any unusual pain or muscle spasms.
Getting breast augmentation doesn’t mean you have to put your life on hold indefinitely. Talking to your plastic surgeon and having realistic expectations about recovery will be helpful. To see how you can get the best results from your breast augmentation, request a consultation or call us at (305) 230-4326 to schedule an appointment.
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